Your Pet, Our Passion.

Sustainability Manager @Purina



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What do you do to eliminate deforestation in your supply chain?

In 2010, our parent company, Nestlé, committed to ending deforestation in our supply chain. This commitment covers our key agricultural commodities linked to deforestation, including Soya, Meat and Pulp and Paper used to produce Purina pet food products & packaging.

For the last ten years, we have been using a combination of tools, including supply chain mapping, certification, satellite monitoring and on-the-ground verification, to ensure that the commodities we buy are not linked to deforestation. 

As of April 2019, 77% of the key agricultural commodities Nestlé buys linked to deforestation were verified deforestation-free. That figure will surpass 90% by the end of 2020. We remain committed to reaching 100% in line with our 2010 commitment, ensuring that none of our products is associated with deforestation, and continue to work with our suppliers to help them transform practices. We need to engage with smallholder farmers to ensure we strike the right balance between their livelihoods and forest protection.

Achieving real transformation will require increased transparency across the industry, moving beyond no deforestation towards forest conservation and achieving greater collective action on the ground.
We are scaling up initiatives in agriculture to absorb more carbon. This includes strengthening our programs with farmers to restore land and limit greenhouse gas emissions, including through the replanting of trees and enhancing biodiversity. These actions will contribute to our commitment to zero net emissions by 2050.

Finally, effective collective action and collaboration on the ground as well as engagement with governments at national and regional levels are also key. This is why we have increased our involvement in a number of collaborative initiatives and will continue to play a leading role to help drive positive change across the industry

Dog on tree