Welcome to the Purina Cat Breed Selector
Already know which breed you want? Find it in our Cat Breed Library.

At Purina, we believe the bond between people and pets help create a better society. Owning a cat can mean a happy and fulfilling life together, but it’s your responsibility – for the sake of both you and your cat, to find the right one.
At Purina, we’ve brought together experts in every aspect of pet nutrition, health, and cat behaviour, ensuring that our cat breed selector is asking the right questions to help find the right cat for you.
The vast majority of cats are ‘moggies’; a mix of pure-bred pedigree cats – often over many generations. This unknown lineage means moggies’ personalities are more defined by nurture than nature. Our Breed Selector specialises in pure-bred cat breeds for this reason.
We understand how the bond between people and pets differs for each owner; that’s why we'll show you which breeds are most suited to your answers, as well as those that might not be. Hopefully, our tool can steer you in the right direction.