Our Purina Commitments
Nutrition is at the heart of what we do, but it's not all we do. We are committed to doing more of what matters for pets, for the people who love them and for the planet we share. That's why we are focused on achieving our 6 Purina Commitments which are focused around initiatives for pets, communities and the environment.
Where we make an impact
Our Commitments have been shaped by pet owners, vets, industry opinion leaders, sustainability experts and those responsible for pet welfare. They will shape the way we do business as a company, and how we act as individuals, now and in the future. Take a look and see our Commitments for pets, communities and the environment.

Committed to making a difference since 2016
Back in 2016, having collected the views and expertise from pet owners, vets, industry opinion leaders, sustainability experts and those responsible for pet welfare, we identified areas where we could contribute and take actions. This helped to define our original 10 Purina in Society Commitments.
Now with our new 6 Purina Commitments above, we have broadened the scope and set out a new ambition.
Find out below what we've achieve on the original 10 Commitments.

Contact us
We’re here to answer all of your pet questions - big or small, really serious or a little silly. Our lines are open from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding UK bank holidays).
If you have any specific accessibility needs, such as requiring larger font sizes in our written replies, or you have any other requirements, please let us know when you contact us. We are here to help and will do our best to assist you.