Your Pet, Our Passion.
Felix no colourants

All Felix meals have NO added colours!

That’s right! ALL colourants have been removed from our recipes. Read on to find out more.

We listen to feedback from pet owners (both positive or negative) and use this insight to improve our products. One example is colourants.

Many consumers do not want colours in their own food, and do not want them in their pets’ food either. In 2016 we made a commitment to remove all artificial colours from our pet foods, which we have done. We later removed the remaining non-artificial colours from our Felix ranges in March 2021.

The removal of added colours does not change the overall nutritional composition or quality of our food – every Felix meal is still 100% balanced and complete, with all the vitamins and nutrients your clever cat needs. We also rigorously test any changes to check that the new product is as appealing to pets as the previous recipe was, and our feline taste testers gave it a resounding purr of approval.

What hasn’t changed is our stringent approach to safety. We continue to test each and every batch of product to ensure it is safe to feed your cat. This is as true now as it was prior to our changes.

We know some owners have discussed the recipe change online, with reports of cats being unwell which owners believe is linked to our Felix pouch range. Although food may seem an easy link, there can be many reasons for cats to become poorly. You may find this leaflet from Cats Protection helpful:  

If you have concerns regarding your cat’s health we recommend reaching out to your veterinary professional for advice and guidance.   

Check out our FAQs below if you want to find out more about last year’s changes to our Felix range:

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