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English Setter

The English Setter is a large yet elegant breed, symmetrical and substantial in build. Epitomising grace, strength and stamina, their coats are long, flat, silky and well feathered. The rather old term ‘belton’ is used to describe their flecked colour patterning, which can be lemon, orange, liver or blue (black), or tricolour (a mix of blue belton and liver, or tan belton and tan) over a white background. Adult males measure 65-69cm and weigh about 28.5kg; adult females are 61-65cm and 27kg.

10 – 12 years
27 – 36kg
61 – 69cm
The rather old term ‘belton’ is used to describe their flecked colour patterning, which can be lemon, orange, liver or blue (black), or tricolour (a mix of blue belton and liver, or tan belton and tan) over a white background
UK Kennel Club Groups
The need-to-know
  • Dog suitable for non-experienced owners
  • Don't Mind
  • Need to be aware of potential health issues
  • Enjoys vigorous walks
  • Don't mind
  • Large dog
  • Some drool
  • Requires grooming every other day
  • Quiet dog
  • Welcomes everyone happily
  • Might not like other dogs
  • May need additional training to live with other pets
  • May need additional supervision to live with children
  • Can live without a garden
  • Can happily live in the city
  • Cannot be left alone


The English Setter is a friendly, amiable natured dog that bonds well with family, though is likely to be a little more reserved with strangers. Less enthusiastic or exuberant than some of the Setter family, they are easy going with other dogs and household pets.

They are slow to mature and care should be taken to socialise and habituate sensitively, and never over-whelm them or take their tolerant nature for granted.

History and Origins

Country of Origin: England

The English Setters roots go back to the 1500s, when references to bird dogs that probably resemble the modern English Setter in some way were recorded. There was however much competition and rivalry between landowners to develop their own specific Setter, and so the exact history is unclear with many variations!

It is likely the Setters are an offshoot of the various land spaniels brought over from Spain, with the possible addition of water spaniel, pointer and springer spaniel types.

It is generally agreed that Sir Edward Lavarack was the most instrumental in establishing the English Setter as a distinct and recognised breed.

The English Setters original function was ‘setting’, crouching to indicate where birds were hidden, then either remaining in position whilst nets were thrown, or being asked to move on push birds into the air to meet the hunters hawks (later guns, as falconry fell out of favour).

Health and Common Issues

Exercise Needs

Space Requirements

Nutrition and Feeding

Grooming English Setter

Training English Setter

Best Family Dog Breeds

Did You Know?

  • Even amongst litters of show bred puppies, this freezing crouching behaviour can be seen almost as soon as puppies can walk!
  • ‘Belton’ is a very old term for the flecked colour pattern the English Setters coat displays. It is also seen on Welsh Cobs and Clydesdale horses, both very old British breeds showing splashed markings.
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