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Italian Spinone

Large, shaggy and friendly, the Italian Spinone is a solid and robust member of the Gundog group. They come in a white coat of medium length, that’s coarse and dense. The Spinone has an attractive, characterful face with expressive eyebrows and a dense beard and moustache.

12 – 14 years
Adult males 34-39kg and females 29-34kg
Adult males 60-70cm, females 58-65cm
White with orange, orange roan, brown or brown roan
UK Kennel Club Groups
The need-to-know
  • Dogs suitable for experienced owners
  • Extra training required
  • Generally healthy breed
  • Enjoys vigorous walks
  • Enjoys more than two hours of walking a day
  • Large dog
  • Some drool
  • Requires grooming every other day
  • Chatty and vocal dog
  • Welcomes everyone happily
  • Generally friendly with other dogs
  • Gets along with other pets with training
  • Great family dog
  • Needs a large garden
  • Best suited to countryside
  • Can be left occasionally with training
Generally healthy breed

The Italian Spinone is generally a robust breed but they can be prone to: 
- Hip dysplasia
- Gastric dilatation volvulus
- Panosteitis 
- Cerebellar ataxia which is a disease where the brain is not functioning properly and this can affect gait.
- Hypothyroidism¹ where the thyroid gland is underactive and does not product enough thyroid hormone. This can result in low energy levels, weight gain and skin problems. 
- Epilepsy¹ which is a condition where abnormal brain function can lead to seizures which damage the brain. 
- Ear and skin infections¹

Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing: 
- Hip dysplasia screening scheme
- DNA testing for cerebellar ataxia which tests whether or not a dog has the potential to be affected by this condition.

¹C. Hill, 'Primary epilepsy in the Italian spinone', Sept 2006,  Vet Record


Work hard – play hard is the Spinone’s ethic. As happy in water as they are on land and capable of working all day, yet playful and friendly at home, it is easy to see why this breed is still popular as a working dog, and as a companion. As with all larger dog breeds, particularly those of a slower, gentler nature, the Spinone is a slow maturing breed, but very much worth the wait! As puppies they are endlessly endearing and comical, and adults become somewhat more dignified but still retain a humorous and affable nature. 

Family-friendly: 5/5
Exercise needs: 4/5
Easy to train: 4/5
Tolerates being alone: 2/5
Likes other pets: 5/5
Energy level: 4/5
Grooming needs: 3/5
Shedding: 3/5

The Spinone’s origins are uncertain, with possible influences from early French hounds such as Barbets and Griffons, or possibly descending from older Italian hounds such as the Segugio Italiano. Whatever the truth, dogs resembling Spinones can be seen in paintings from the Renaissance period, and they have a long working history in the hunting field as a Hunt, Point, Retrieve (multi-function) breed.

Patience and humour are the Spinone owners’ watch-words – this slow maturing, endlessly comical breed will reward such owner characteristics well. You’ll need to match their boundless enthusiasm for work and training, enjoy yomping over miles of mucky wet countryside, and be laid back about the mud, water, hair and drool they will distribute around your home. 

Two hours of dog exercise a day is the minimum for this canine and that should be a mixture of walking, running, and playing as well as training. They will enjoy long country walks and retrieving from land or water, and won’t be put off by rough terrain or thick cover. Prepare to get wet and muddy with a Spinone!

The Italian Spinone is a big dog, with a big coat that holds a considerable amount of water, mud and countryside, and can produce a lot of drool after a big drink. A larger home and big secure garden, with easy access to a variety of country walks are important - as is a large vehicle. 

The Spinone is not suited to living in smaller homes or multi-storeys with many flights of stairs, nor ideal for the city. 

Large dog breeds have large appetites and benefit from a different balance of nutrients including minerals and vitamins compared to smaller-breed dogs. The Spinone is also prone to bloating and stomach problems. Smaller, more frequent meals can help minimise this risk. Discover more about how to offer your dog a balanced diet with our easy-to-follow guide. 

The Spinone’s thick, coarse coat is 4-6cm in length. These dogs come with bushy eyebrows and a moustache/beard, which collects dribble and food and will need regular wiping. The coat should be brushed a couple of times a week, and stripped if necessary (where the dead is plucked out). Check ears and paws for grass seeds and foreign bodies frequently. Find out more about dog grooming and daily care with our article. 

Not one of life’s problem solvers, the Spinone will prefer training ‘as you go’ rather than training as a hobby in its own right! They do have a sense of humour however, and a bored Spinone, or one who doesn’t see the point of what you are asking of them, will quickly demonstrate their clownish streak. If you are patient, take the time, and are rewarding to work with, a Spinone will enjoy working with you.  

For the active family, happy in the great outdoors through all sorts of weather, the Spinone is an excellent companion. With smaller children however this gundogs desire to carry toys can cause issues and their size is such that they may easily knock over the small or frailer members of the family. 

While many dogs are traditionally thought of as being good with children, all dogs and children need to be taught to get on with each other and be safe together. Even so, dogs and young children should never be left alone together and adults should supervise all interactions between them. 

Did You Know?

Their name is derived from an older name for the breed, ‘Bracco Spinoso’ and refers both to the wiry, prickly texture of the coat and also the prickly undergrowth they would hunt game through.

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