Your Pet, Our Passion.

Meet Toast

Airedale Terrier, 7 Months old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Toast was adopted!

My favourite thing about Toast is...

Always wants to be where people are. Friendly and calm when out. Loves people and animals.

The biggest challenge with Toast is...

He has a lot of energy to burn, is big and is smart. He can open doors, fridge, get on countertops, and jump a 5ft gate from a standing start. He needs lots of new things to experience and learn or he'll find the naughtiest thing to do for the thrill

The most surprising thing about owning a Airedale Terrier is...

They like their lie ins. Early morning walks are too much effort. They're excellent sulkers and very stubborn. They will figure out how to get what they want

What I wish I’d known about Airedale Terriers is...

Their tails never stop wagging. Ive yet to find a way to tell them off that makes them stop thinking everything is a game

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