Your Pet, Our Passion.

Presenting Bear

American Bulldog , 2 years old

🌆 City dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Bear is...

His constant need for human contact. His love of human's, makes his extremely empathetic! He can feel our emotions even before they have manifested for another human to see. The connection we feel from him is truly heart warming.

The biggest challenge with Bear is...

His size !!! All he wants is to be loved and appreciated, which for some humans is difficult, as all they see is his size. But once they see that he is beautifully trained and sits patiently waiting for a sign that he has appeased any worry and he is going to get the head rub that he lovingly awaits, we both feel that we have overcome the challenge.

The most surprising thing about owning a American Bulldog is...

Despite their size, they are lap dogs. They’ll go run with you, hike, swim if that’s your thing …. But they’ll always return to your lap, to happily wipe away the tears from a sad love story or wonder what has tickled you when there’s a comedy on the screen. Loyalty is at the very core of any kind of bulldog and if you are treating them right, you’ll experience this almost immediately.

What I wish I’d known about American Bulldog s is...

Train them from the day they arrive in your home and don’t stop, it needs to be your life style. Make it fun, because it can be soooo much fun. Engaged in the right way, a bulldog will thrive from training and show the world that they they are the beautiful dogs that they truly are.

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