Meet Clyde
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), 7 years old
My favourite thing about Clyde is...
He's so funny - he hides his food, makes funny faces and loves getting cuddles from his mammy.
The biggest challenge with Clyde is...
Getting him to eat his food without barking his head off; he's scared in case someone will get it.
The most surprising thing about owning a Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) is...
They are small - he gets lost in the garden in amongst the plants. I say Clyde "come here", and I look down and he's there at my feet, thinking I'm here,! He sneaks in as he's so small.
What I wish I’d known about Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) is...
They are the best dog if you want a small, kind, loving dog, chihuahuas are the best breed to get.
Did you know?
Chihuahuas shiver a lot but that doesn’t always mean they’re cold, they also do it when they’re excited or scared too!