Greetings from Jess
Hungarian Vizsla, 11 Months old
My favourite thing about Jess is...
Jess is so energetic and playful! Her personality matches our lifestyle and she likes to be close to one of her family members at all times. She loves a cuddle and is very intelligent her energy levels are high so we can get out and enjoy wonderful days out together.
The biggest challenge with Jess is...
Jess is a hunter pointer retriever and her high prey energy levels are tricky. If Jess doesn't get the correct mental and physical interaction she needs she can go off self employed and get herself in to mischief. She loves having a job around the house and on her walks.
The most surprising thing about owning a Hungarian Vizsla is...
Hungarian vizslas are so affectionate they have so much love to give. Jess doesn't have a stop button and can be on the go all day. Her intelligence and scent work is amazing.
What I wish I’d known about Hungarian Vizslas is...
Shark teeth!!! When Jess was a pup her little teeth were very sharp! It took some training to stop her from jumping and mouthing.