Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Flossy

Jack Russell Terrier, 4 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Flossy is...

We play with the ball until 8.30pm when we ask her for “swopsie’ she then returns the ball to us to swop for her special chicken treat when she finishes her treat she then settles down on one of our laps for a cuddle and goes to sleep.

The biggest challenge with Flossy is...

Getting her harness on for her walk.

The most surprising thing about owning a Jack Russell Terrier is...

Flossy is our fourth Jack Russell so nothing has really surprised us but Jack Russells are very energetic so need a lot of attention. They are also very intelligent and quickly pick up words and routines.

What I wish I’d known about Jack Russell Terriers is...

They have a reputation for being snappy but this is far from the truth they are loving and faithful.

Did you know

Reverend John Russell who developed the original Jack Russell terrier in the early 1800s was a founding member of the Kennel Club, and also bred other types of dog – however he never actually wanted the Jack Russell terrier to be a recognised breed, preferring that they were bred to fulfil a working role, rather than to a standard appearance. It is for this reason that the Jack Russell, while one of the most popular breeds, was also one of the latest to be recognised by the Kennel Club.

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