Say Hi to Scouser
Jack Russell Terrier, 19 years old
My favourite thing about Scouser is...
He has smiling eyes, he can count to 3 and 4, he absolutely adores people petting him, and has lots of dog friends, one lady dog walker in particular Scouser always sits at her feet and waits for a treat off her, we have cats who quite often snuggle up with him and he doesn’t seem to mind, he is so happy and friendly, loves going for walks and chasing the Squirrels, which are too fast for him.
The biggest challenge with Scouser is...
When we 1st rescued him he had never been on a lead, he was locked up in a cage, this was were he lived, ate and did his business, so for him, at 6 month old he had no idea how to be a dog, but he soon learned and has been a fantastic boy
The most surprising thing about owning a Jack Russell Terrier is...
He is very friendly, loves animals and people, has a quirky little hop on one of his back legs, I have seen other Jack Russells do this. We ask him how many treats does he want and he barks the answer out, he can count to 4 but doesn’t always ask for 4.
What I wish I’d known about Jack Russell Terriers is...
He is very well behaved considering his early days, he still stays away if you go to stoke his nose (previous owners would smack him around the face), so I’d say he has a good memory.