Get to know Smudgy
Jack Russell Terrier & Chihuahua (Smooth Coat), 5 years old
My favourite thing about Smudgy is...
Always in the mood for walks, Smudgy likes to play with little soft toys and squeaky balls
The biggest challenge with Smudgy is...
Smudgy never chews any slippers or shoes, he never goes inside the room with dirty paws, he waits till i clean him with a towel. Smudgy is an adorable dog
The most surprising thing about owning a Jack Russell Terrier & Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) is...
He is very clever and understands everything and can run very fast but he sheds all over the place
What I wish I’d known about Jack Russell Terriers & Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) is...
How adorable they are