Your Pet, Our Passion.

Let's say hello to Ruby

Jack Russell Terrier & Fox Terrier Smooth Coat, 4 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Ruby was adopted!

My favourite thing about Ruby is...

She’s helped me through some very tough time.

The biggest challenge with Ruby is...

She’s a bit of a bully. I spoil her!

The most surprising thing about owning a Jack Russell Terrier & Fox Terrier Smooth Coat is...

Ruby is scared of everything and everyone when she’s out, but loves everyone when they come into the house.

What I wish I’d known about Jack Russell Terriers & Fox Terrier Smooth Coats is...

Be patient!

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Smooth-Coated Fox Terrier
All about Smooth-Coated Fox Terriers
Everything you need to know before getting a Smooth-Coated Fox Terrier, all in one place.
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