Get to know Chester
Jack Russell Terrier & Poodle (Miniature), 2 years old
My favourite thing about Chester is...
He’s got really cheeky mannerisms one day he’s like a jack russell all playful but angry with his toys then he’s just loving life and catching his ball
The biggest challenge with Chester is...
His barking
The most surprising thing about owning a Jack Russell Terrier & Poodle (Miniature) is...
Oh my days he has a massive character he’s cuddly and loves life but he can also be grumpy but he sure does let you know what kind of day he’s having
What I wish I’d known about Jack Russell Terriers & Poodles (Miniature) is...
He’s very nervous of people and doesn’t like being on the lead. very independent I wish that I had learnt a little more before we got him