Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Daisy

Shorkie, 1 Year old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Daisy is...

The way she ‘talks’ to us when she wants our attention or is excited. She throws her head back and woofs! She brings us toys to play with her and loves a game of fetch and chase. When she’s tired, she loves to cuddle up next to you. She’s a gorgeous loving little girl.

The biggest challenge with Daisy is...

Daisy gets spooked very easily and we are trying to raise her confidence when out on a walk. She’s very nervous of other people, dogs and loud noises. We took her to the Dogs Trust puppy classes and she was really nervous and hid under the chair or barked most of the time.

The most surprising thing about owning a Shorkie is...

Shorkies are very intelligent breeds and easy to train. Daisy learned ‘paw’, ‘sit’, ‘leave it’ and recall very easily and quickly.

What I wish I’d known about Shorkies is...

Because their noses are so short, they have a tendency to ‘reverse sneeze’ which is quite frightening when it first happens. You can mistaken this for choking and panic. When it happens, if you stroke their throat gently, it eases.

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