Your Pet, Our Passion.

Our Ingredients

Want to learn more about ingredients? Find out what you’re looking for here…

Did you know, we have two sections on our website dedicated to ingredients? See below to find out which one suits your query best. 

Every Ingredient Has A Purpose  

Here, you can learn more about the specific ingredients we use and what role they play in our foods. You can find a lot of information on multiple subjects, including:   

  • Protein sources  
  • Carbohydrates  
  • Fats & Oils  
  • Taste, Texture & Variety  
  • Functional Ingredients  
  • Vitamins & Minerals  
  • Antioxidants  

Want to learn more about “Every Ingredient Has A Purpose”? click here.  

Your Questions Matter  

This section of the website addresses questions that pet owners have asked in relation to our ingredients. These questions cover a variety of topics such as how we label our ingredients on our packaging.  To find out answers to your questions please click here.   

Does your pet have a specific health requirement in relation to an ingredient? If you need some further support or guidance, please contact our dedicated PetCare Team who would be happy to help.