Say Hello to Molly
Basset Hound, 2 years old
My favourite thing about Molly is...
Her clownish behaviour with no hint of aggression, who adores my granddaughter who is also 2yo. She is incredibly clever and is more human than canine and has an opinion for everything. Molly knows the couch is hers and loves to place her 29kg self on my lap in the evening and who needs the heating when covered in basset!
The biggest challenge with Molly is...
Her love of food! Bassets have dwarfism and immense pressure is put on their joints especially when young. Trying to keep their weight correct can therefore be an issue. They can also jump and steal that sausage out of your hand if you're not careful!
The most surprising thing about owning a Basset Hound is...
Their agility and speed when required. They are short with 4 feet on the ground but when food is around and the front Paws are on the workspace or table suddenly they are extremely tall!
What I wish I’d known about Basset Hounds is...
Basset Hounds appear stubborn however they are actually incredibly clever. Training is an art and food based.
Did you know
Their long, floppy ears help to lift scents off the ground right to their nose to help them track things better.