Your Pet, Our Passion.

Say Hello to lola

Border Collie, 5 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
lola was adopted!

She came from Last Chance Edenbridge .

My favourite thing about lola is...

That she is very loving and intelligent, wants to please, loves to problem solve doggy puzzles, wants a job to do and loves being told how clever she is when I am giving her a back and shoulder massage

The biggest challenge with lola is...

her waking and barking as soon as daylight breaks, she wants to start ''work''' and is full of energy after a good nights sleep. Blackout roller blinds have helped to keep her asleep till 5.30am' ish which is brillant. She is very visually alert and hence sensitive to moving things, for example cars, bikes, other wildlife, which keeps me on my toes

The most surprising thing about owning a Border Collie is...

how clever she is and her learning new skills and words all the time.You can have so much fun hiding toys and asking her to find a particular one, she won't stop till it has been found

What I wish I’d known about Border Collies is...

how much energy they have and their need to have a good regular routine and a job to do, they want to work and please you.

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Border Collie
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