Say Hi to Lily
English Springer Spaniel, 2 years old
My favourite thing about Lily is...
When Lily comes to greet us, not only does her tail wag but her whole body wags. Also Lily will always have to bring you a present, whether that be her favourite teddy 'bunny' or the blanket off her bed.
The biggest challenge with Lily is...
Everybody knows that Springer Spaniels are crazy and on the go all the time. However, Lily loves being with people and doesn't like being on her own. We feel guilty if we leave her at home. So we share the 'Lily Love' out to the rest of the family so she is not left for too long.
The most surprising thing about owning a English Springer Spaniel is...
What a great family dog they are. Although Lily comes from the gundog breed she will be the first on the bed when it comes to the bedtime story with our daughter.
What I wish I’d known about English Springer Spaniels is...
That they need your attention all the time, whether it is playing, cuddles or long long walks.
Did you know?
Although originating from the ‘Land Spaniels’, Springer Spaniels are known for their love of water, and enjoy a good swim or just a splash in a puddle or even their own water bowl.