Your Pet, Our Passion.

Say Hello to Baby

Chihuahua (Long Coat), 5 years old

🌆 City dog
🍼 Lives with children
Baby was adopted!

My favourite thing about Baby is...

She likes to play, dance and just be a lap dog. Also a good dog to let you know someone is about.

The biggest challenge with Baby is...

She like to sleep on clean laundry!

The most surprising thing about owning a Chihuahua (Long Coat) is...

She loves walking long distances.

What I wish I’d known about Chihuahuas (Long Coat) is...

I wish I had known they over-heat in summer, and get cold very quickly in winter.

Did you know?

Chihuahuas shiver a lot but that doesn’t always mean they’re cold, they also do it when they’re excited or scared too!

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