Your Pet, Our Passion.

Meet Bandit

English Springer Spaniel, 5 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only
Bandit is a Purina puppy!

Bandit is owned by Candy, Purina's Internal Communications Manager.

My favourite thing about Bandit is...

He is the most intense dog I have ever met. In a staring competition he always wins. He loves balls, sticks, soft teddies, long walks, and being let up on to the bed for a cuddle. He likes to follow the rules and loves a good belly rub. He is the goodest boy ❤️

The biggest challenge with Bandit is...

He has a new obsession with trying to get us to give him treats from the treat cupboard. He will paw you all evening relentlessly. He definitely knows how to communicate. You can also loose him in the forest if he finds something tasty to eat.

The most surprising thing about owning a English Springer Spaniel is...

They are excellent communicators, and definitely a member of the family. They aren’t all as hyper as you would imagine.

What I wish I’d known about English Springer Spaniels is...

There are two varieties, field and show. The show springers have less energy but beautiful coats that take quite a lot of maintenance. And they love mud and water!

Did you know

Although originating from the ‘Land Spaniels’ Springer Spaniels are known for their love of water, and love a good swim or just a splash in a puddle or even their own water bowl.

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English Springer Spaniel
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