Say Hello to Hobo
English Springer Spaniel & Cocker Spaniel (English), 7 years old
My favourite thing about Hobo is...
His loyalty, he's always there for me through illness and tough times, he is easy to train, sensitive, fun, crazy, loopy and loves his walks in all weathers, yet indoors he's calm and never chews anything he shouldnt
The biggest challenge with Hobo is...
Training him not to jump up because he's always so pleased to see people ,hardwork, perseverance and bribes and finally he dosent jump up went out
The most surprising thing about owning a English Springer Spaniel & Cocker Spaniel (English) is...
How sensitive he is, he hates shouting and just a stern no is enough to stop him doing somthing he shouldn't, he knows when I'm ill or upset and never leaves my side
What I wish I’d known about English Springer Spaniels & Cocker Spaniels (English) is...
I did a lot of research before getting hobo and my Grandad was a gamekeeper so I know how energetic they are, talked a lot to the lady we got him from too. So I don't think there us anything that I wish I'd known except maybe how attatched I would become !