Your Pet, Our Passion.

Meet Otis

German Shepherd Dog, 2 years old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍼 Lives with children

My favourite thing about Otis is...

He’s very loyal, he loves his cuddles, he’s amazing in the house, he never touches anything that isn’t his. When we’re out his recall is fantastic (although that wasn’t always the way) and he simply loves other dogs. Socialisation is super important with this breed from a puppy. He’s never snatchy with food, an all round gentle giant.

The biggest challenge with Otis is...

He guards the house, so barks the second he hears anyone coming up the front drive. When you let him out to do his business, he has to do a complete perimeter check first which can be annoying when you’re trying to get out of the house in a hurry.

The most surprising thing about owning a German Shepherd Dog is...

They usually fixate on one person in the house (in our case 2, both females) and they want to be wherever you are, you’ll never shower in peace again! They are super quick to learn, Otis could sit, lie down, give paw and high 5 by 10 weeks old. They need lots of exercise, 2 hours a day off lead, we also do a lead walk once a day too. They live happily with cats.

What I wish I’d known about German Shepherd Dogs is...

They are like shadow’s and will follow you everywhere. If you don’t want them in the bathroom with you they will lay outside the door and gently whine till you reappear. As young dogs (6-14 months) they are like errant toddlers and need firm handling.

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