Meet Jojo
Labrador Retriever, 16 Weeks old
My favourite thing about Jojo is...
His streak of crazy puppy zoomies. He is so calm & so good in so many ways & then he has the crazy moments.
The biggest challenge with Jojo is...
His strong mindedness; lead training is a bit of a mission at the moment but we will get there.
The most surprising thing about owning a Labrador Retriever is...
They really are all so different in character; and there's a misconception that they are easy to train & fit in with family life. Each mind is different & some are easier than others to fit in with individuals' lifestyles.
What I wish I’d known about Labrador Retrievers is...
With any puppy it's always good to have a routine. Start with little snippets of training as soon as you can. Make learning fun, have lots of treats available. Labradors tend to be puppies far longer than other breeds in my experience.
Did you know?
Originally, Labrador Retrievers worked with fishermen and were bred to bring back fish-laden nets.