Your Pet, Our Passion.

Labrador Retriever

Bred to be a friendly companion and a working dog, the Labrador is an ideal pet for anyone looking for a loyal and intelligent four-legged friend. With time, the Labrador dog breed became one of the most popular across the world, winning the hearts of everyone, from families to royalty and celebrities. 

10 – 14 years
25 – 36kg
55 – 57cm
Black, yellow and chocolate/liver
Kennel Club group
The need-to-know
  • Dog suitable for non-experienced owners
  • Extra training required
  • Need to be aware of potential health issues
  • Enjoys vigorous walks
  • Enjoys more than two hours of walking a day
  • Large dog
  • Some drool
  • Requires grooming once a week
  • Quiet dog
  • Welcomes everyone happily
  • Generally friendly with other dogs
  • Gets along with other pets with training
  • Great family dog
  • Needs a large garden
  • Can live in semi-rural areas
  • Can be left alone with training
This breed may encounter health problems

As with many breeds, Labrador dogs can suffer from:
- Hip dysplasia
- Elbow dysplasia 
- Progressive retinal atrophy which is an inherited disorder where part of the eye degenerates and wastes away which can result in blindness.
- Multifocal retinal dysplasia which is an inherited eye condition that can seriously affect a dogs' vision.
- Total retinal dysplasia which is a condition where the back of the eye does not develop properly, which can lead to complete blindness. 
- Retinal pigment epithelial dystrophy which is where deposits form in the eye and this can result in damage to the eye and blindness in dim light.
- Hereditary cataracts which is a condition where the lens in the eye becomes cloudy and this can result in blindness. 
- Laryngeal paralysis, a condition where nerve damage develops in the vocal cords and this can lead to problems breathing. 
- Epilepsy¹ which is a condition where abnormal brain function can lead to seizures which damage the brain. 
- Centronuclear myopathy which is a disease where a dog has insufficient muscle fibres which leads to muscle weakness.
- Exercise-induced collapse which is a condition that can cause problems with nerve communication during exercise and can result in collapse.
- Skeletal dysplasia which is a form of dwarfism where the long bones stop growing before they are fully developed. 
- Hereditary nasal parakeratosis which is a condition affecting the cells in the nose which causes the nose to dry out and become inflamed.

Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing: 
- Hip dysplasia screening scheme
- Elbow dysplasia screening scheme
- Eye screening scheme

¹L. Kearsley-Fleet et al, 'Prevalence and risk factors for canine epilepsy of unknown origin in the UK', Jan 2013, Veterinary Record

Meet the Labrador!

Labrador Appearance

Labradors are large, strongly built dogs with good bone and substance. Their heads are broad with soft, intelligent looking eyes that are the perfect indicators of their friendliness and generally easy-going nature. Their tails are described as being “otter-like” and are both strong and almost constantly wagging. 

The Labrador colours vary from black and yellow, to chocolate, with some dogs sporting different shades and hues. 

Labrador Personality

The Labrador Retriever is an active, friendly, loving dog who thrives on human companionship, wanting nothing more than to please their owners (except perhaps eat anything and everything, and jump in any water they can find!). They are ideal pets for households with children and they get on well with other household animals. 

Labradors are a very happy breed, extremely affectionate, constantly wagging their tails and always on the go. They are easily trained, being eager to learn, and to please, and can turn their paw to just about anything. They are total foodies however, which helps with their training, but not their waistlines! 

What owners say about this breed...

labrador retriever
Purina People

Meet Cooper

"He lives life at 100mph, does nothing in half measures and is just all in - all the time. Whether that's lying fully on you for the biggest cuddle, eating his dinner at record speed or running, playing and chasing."

labrador retriever
Dog Owner

Meet Ian

"There is definitely a difference between the working and show lines. Working lines definitely want to be kept busier."

labrador retriever
Dog Owner

Meet Merlin

"They will eat (and eat and eat). They don't get full and will find food even if not intended for them. Food is life!"

Vet Rating

History and Origins

Ideal Owner

Exercise Needs

Space Requirements

Nutrition and Feeding

Grooming Labradors

Training Labradors

Are Labradors Good Family Dogs?

Labrador Fun Facts

  • Originally, Labrador Retrievers worked with fishermen and were bred to bring back fish-laden nets. 
  • Labradors have turned their paw to a whole host of dog careers, including: drug and explosive detection, search and rescue, and even guide dogs! 

  • They’re one of the most popular dog breeds in the USA and UK. 

  • Labradors are excellent swimmers due to their webbed toes. 

  • A litter can sometimes contain puppies with all three Labrador colours (black, yellow and chocolate). 
  • The world’s first diabetic alert dog was a Labrador called Armstrong! 
  • Labradors are very popular among royals, with Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Silvia of Sweden, and Prince Charles famously owning one. 


Are Labradors lazy? 

Labradors are known to be highly active and outgoing, but as they get older, they might be prone to becoming lazier. 

What should I know about a Labrador? 

Labradors simply adore water, so you should be expecting lots of jumping in puddles and getting messy. Also, they are easily trained and are versatile workers so they can be taught to do almost anything. 

Are Labradors smart? 

In general, Labradors are considered very smart dogs. Given their breeding as hunters, they possess very heightened instincts and intelligence. 

Do Labradors bark a lot? 

The Labrador breed is not particularly chatty and they will usually keep quiet, unless they want to get someone’s attention or feel provoked. 

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