Your Pet, Our Passion.

Greetings from Indi

Rottweiler, 7 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Indi is...

She will only play with pink toys!!

The biggest challenge with Indi is...

Her socialising was cut short at 12months when her crucial ligaments in both legs needed operating on so it was nearly a year before she could get back to normal, so she is still nervous of people.

The most surprising thing about owning a Rottweiler is...

They are very loving and adore children…she thinks the grandchildren are part of her gang.

What I wish I’d known about Rottweilers is...

I don’t think there is anything because we have owned rotties for nearly 40yrs and know how wonderful they are.

Did you know?

Rottweilers were on the brink of extinction in the 1800s as a result of industrialization. With the introduction of railroads and paved roads, cattle were much easier to transport and therefore they were no longer needed to help with herding. However, they soon found replacement jobs and went on to serve as police and military dogs. 

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