Your Pet, Our Passion.

Hi from Daphne

Saluki, 7 Months old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Daphne is...

Her sweet, affectionate, gentle nature. Daphne is a friendly soul who believes everyone is her best friend. She is adventurous and loves to explore. It is a joy to watch her explore life, running faster than I could've ever imagined. Although I'm biased, I think she is the most beautiful dog. I love that her tail moves in many directions, including moving in circular motion if she's very excited!

The biggest challenge with Daphne is...

Recall. We live in an area where we have lots of fields and places we can safely let her roam off lead. Her recall was initially good but as she has grown in confidence (+ stubbornness), her recall has been a challenge as she just wants to explore. Also, it was very challenging initially to train her to sleep through the night without us being in the room or to leave her alone during the day.

The most surprising thing about owning a Saluki is...

How affectionate and cuddly she is. I think this is because we have cuddled her lots from when we brought her home. When she was a pup, she slept on our laps a lot. Now she has outgrown our laps, she loves sleeping next to us as close as she can get, often with her head resting on our knee.

What I wish I’d known about Salukis is...

We did a lot of research beforehand, so we knew this but it is important to know salukis can be prone to being timid. In my opinion + experience, you really need to expose them to lots of situations, dogs and people so they can grow in confidence. Daphne is mostly very confident + I think that is because we have always given her time and opportunities to explore and be inquisitive.

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