Your Pet, Our Passion.

Let's say Bonjour to Moy

Shih Tzu, 3 years old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍼 Lives with children

My favourite thing about Moy is...

His personality

The biggest challenge with Moy is...

His energy

The most surprising thing about owning a Shih Tzu is...

How lovely they are

What I wish I’d known about Shih Tzus is...

I'd like to know they love Purina and how shiny is the coat

Did you know

An original Chinese breed standard for the Shih Tzu must be the most romantic ever written. It says (among other things) that they should have the head of a lion, the face of an owl, the eyes of a dragon, the tongue of a peony petal, teeth like grains of rice, ears like palm leaves, the back of a tiger, the tail of a phoenix and the movement of a goldfish.

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