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Common problems for puppy owners

8 min read

The challenges of toilet training

"My biggest challenge was toilet training – particularly with a miniature dachshund! I don’t think I anticipated just how difficult, frustrating or time consuming it would be, and how much patience it would take to get it right! It made me feel completely helpless and I sometimes lost my temper and just felt overwhelmed like we’d take one step forwards and two steps back.

Separation anxiety struggles

"Separation anxiety was the hardest thing for me. I was very worried and concerned, not only about how the puppy felt being left alone and how guilty I felt, but also the potential barking and howling disturbing the neighbours and Pickle possibly destroying the house.

This meant that, when coming back home, we were apprehensive about what she may have chewed next and then dealing with the stress of tidying up the mess she’d made when we got back, rather than enjoying the play and cuddles!"

- Becky, Purina Brand Manager and owner of Lily, a 13-month-old Yorkiepoo

Time and perseverance are key

"I wasn’t prepared for feeling so out of control, or for the emotional toll it can take either – the worry that she’s not ok, not happy, not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, is this normal, is that normal, am I being a terrible dog owner.

How to survive 'The Puppy Phase'