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Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois

The Malinois is a medium to large sized dog with an athletic, lean build and a short, tight coat. Sometimes mistaken for the larger, heavier boned German Shepherd Dog, the Malinois is more ‘sports car’ to the German Shepherd Dogs ‘utility vehicle’!

12 – 14 years
20 – 30kg
56 – 66cm
Malinois are fawn, red or grey, with a black mask and black shading to the hair tips. Tails are usually darker or have a black tip, ears are mostly black
UK Kennel Club Groups
The need-to-know
  • Dogs suitable for experienced owners
  • Extra training required
  • Generally healthy breed
  • Enjoys vigorous walks
  • Enjoys more than two hours of walking a day
  • Large dog
  • Minimum drool
  • Requires grooming once a week
  • Chatty and vocal dog
  • Barks, alerts and may be physically protective/suspicious of visitors
  • Could have issues with unknown dogs but gets along with known dogs
  • May need additional training to live with other pets
  • May need additional supervision to live with children
  • Needs a large garden
  • Best suited to countryside
  • Can be left occasionally with training
Generally healthy breed

All varieties of the Belgian can suffer from: 
- Hip dysplasia 
- Hereditary cataracts which is a condition where the lens in the eye becomes cloudy and this can result in blindness. 
- Progressive retinal atrophy which is an inherited disorder where part of the eye degenerates and wastes away which can result in blindness. 

Priority Kennel Club health schemes and testing: 
- Hip dysplasia screening scheme 
- Eye screening scheme  


To say that the Malinois is not for the faint-hearted is something of an understatement, they are not nicknamed the ‘Maligator’ for nothing. This is an affectionate, devoted but intense breed that requires an experienced owner, dedicated to training not just as a hobby, but as a lifestyle.

A well trained Malinois is capable of excelling in any sport, but they are predisposed to guard and to bite, and it would be unwise to expect anything less.

Intelligent, sharp, alert, loyal and clever, the Malinois is not a dog to under-estimate, nor to leave to entertain themselves!

Vet Rating

History and Origins

Ideal Owner

Exercise Needs

Space Requirements

Nutrition and Feeding

Grooming Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois

Training Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois

Suitability for Family Life

Did You Know?

  • Belgian Malinois have become very popular recently due to the many films featuring or starring members of the breed.
  • Long before that though, Malinois were true working heroes, serving in the First World War as messengers and assistants to the Red Cross, pulling ambulance carts and carts carrying firearms.
  • Today, Malinois are still very popular as military dogs, and a Belgian Malinois called Cairo was part of the Navy SEAL team who captured Osama bin Laden in 2011.
  • Belgian Malinois are used to guard the grounds of the White House.
  • The Belgian Malinois is the favoured breed of Navy Seals due to their bravery which is essential as they’re trained to leap out of airplanes and skydive with their handlers!
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