Your Pet, Our Passion.

Let's meet Peaches

Golden Retriever, 2 years old

🌳 Countryside dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Peaches is...

She loves being “helpful” and bringing us our socks to play with! She also adores her sister Izzy and she plays with her constantly; Izzy has a neck condition where she is in extreme pain if she twists funny or another “hugs” her neck. Despite this difficulty Peaches plays with her in a way they can both enjoy and without hurting her. She is such a gentle soul.

The biggest challenge with Peaches is...

Getting her to stop “buffing” at us when she is backchatting!

The most surprising thing about owning a Golden Retriever is...

The way they always seem to know your emotions; Golden’s are always really in-tune with their owners' feelings.

What I wish I’d known about Golden Retrievers is...

They can be destructive when they are young even though they are the most cuddly dogs you could ever meet! They are very clever and have lots or energy so you have to be prepared for this. 

Did you know?

The Golden Retriever is one of the most versatile breeds and they can be found doing all kinds of jobs including, disability assistance, guiding, search and rescue, working trials, obedience, and agility. 

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