Your Pet, Our Passion.

Get to know Elmo

Shih Tzu, 3 years old

🏠 Suburbs dog
🍷 Lives with adults only

My favourite thing about Elmo is...

His gentle, sweet nature. The way he greets me & makes me feel loved. He adores soft toys & chew treats. He's extremely nosey & great with children. He's learnt several tricks, can be let off lead in parks & regularly checks in with me. He's just super cute!

The biggest challenge with Elmo is...

He's an extremely picky eater but I've learnt not too worry too if he doesn't eat his dinner for a few days. He needs to visit the groomers regularly & hates getting wet - he even walks around puddles!

The most surprising thing about owning a Shih Tzu is...

Just how sweet they are with people

What I wish I’d known about Shih Tzus is...

I thought owning a small dog would be easy but I didn't realise how physical it is - I'm either spending time on the floor with him or bending down to give him things which hasn't helped my bad back. I also thought I'd be getting some walking exercise each day but Elmo prefers to sniff every blade of grass & amble along, so no calories being burnt here!

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