Get to know Smudge
Shih Tzu & Poodle (Toy), 9 Months old
My favourite thing about Smudge is...
He could of been called dipstick, as the end of his table is black! So are the bottom of his ears. I love his quirky personality! 💜 He’s very vocal and always makes us laugh!
The biggest challenge with Smudge is...
I think we over socialised him as a young pup. He gets so excited when he sees another dog he’ll start to bark excessively. But we’re training him and he’s improving everyday!
The most surprising thing about owning a Shih Tzu & Poodle (Toy) is...
They’re so cuddly (which I do love). If they can cuddle you or be on your lap, they will!
What I wish I’d known about Shih Tzus & Poodles (Toy) is...
Even though they’re small they love going on long walks! I though having a small dog would mean 1-2 short walks a day. Nope! He loves a hike!