Your Pet, Our Passion.
The dog is lying

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much

4 min read

Feeling a bit jealous of all the naps your dog takes – but also a little worried that there might be something wrong? Here are some of the most important reasons why dogs sleep so much.

Long walks in the park, slobbery kisses and games of fetch all day – if this is what you expected from your dog, you’re probably a little bit surprised by how much snoozing they manage to fit in! Of course, there’s plenty of running, walking and playing in a dog’s daily schedule, but napping all day, or at least a good part of it, can also be a normal part of the canine routine. Most of the time, there’s no need to worry about that extra shut-eye.

But if you’re asking yourself ‘how much daytime snoozing is too much?’, ‘how long do dogs normally sleep for?’ or ‘when’s it time to get worried?’, keep reading to find out more.


How long do dogs sleep for?

Dogs will usually sleep 12-14 hours spread throughout the day, with puppies clocking in even more hours of slumber. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a dog to sleep up to 20 hours a day in their first few months of life. Sleep allows the body to recharge and repair, so it’s important to let your pet enjoy their downtime.

Grey dog is resting on the couch

When to worry that your dog is sleeping so much?

The general rule of thumb is that adult dogs can sleep up to 15 hours a day in total without giving their owners cause for concern. However, not all dogs will stick to this rule. Owners with several dogs or a knowledge of other pets’ routines will already know that different dogs have different sleeping patterns.

If you’re worried that your dog might be going overboard with the amount of ‘zzzz’s they’re getting in a day, don’t hesitate to contact your vet for advice to make sure your dog’s health and wellbeing is still in tip-top condition. It’s even more important to do so when you notice a sudden change in their sleeping habits, as this new behaviour might signal an underlying condition such as dog depression or diabetes. If your dog is more lethargic when they’re awake as well as sleeping more, it’s always worth getting them checked out by your vet.


Why do dogs sleep so much?

There are many factors that determine a pet’s sleeping schedule. If you want to get to the bottom of your dog’s catnaps, here are a few possible answers to the question ‘why does my dog sleep so much?’