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5 Cool Tricks to Teach Your Dog

12 min read

Now that your pup is getting to grips with basic dog training, you can start to think about to teaching them some cool dog tricks! Read our step-by-step article for advanced dog trick training – and some top tips.

We all love the idea of having a well-trained dog who hangs on our every word – and now your puppy is starting to get the basics under their belt, it’s time to move on to more advanced – and more fun - dog training. 

Learning new tricks and games with your dog is going to benefit you as much as will benefit them, it's a lot of fun for you both, and it will enhance your relationship as a result. It’s a win-win!

Some of these fun dog tricks are based on mastering basic dog training skills, so if you need a refresher make sure you check our article first.


How do I get my dog’s attention when learning dog tricks?

Having a dog who will give you their attention when you ask means they are ready to listen to you, and this is the first step in every other part of your advanced puppy training. The fun, and sometimes advanced, dog tricks below require your puppy’s attention, focus and concentration. 

There’s no point asking your dog anything if his mind is elsewhere! Before doing anything else, brush up on your very first training exercise – teaching your pup to look at you when you say their name. This is something you should have been doing since puppyhood, but this is a good time to have a refresh. 

Have treats in your pocket while you’re in the house or garden. At various times when your dog isn’t expecting it, say their name brightly and enthusiastically. If they look at you, drop a treat on the ground between you, so the dog moves towards you to get the treat.

You are teaching the puppy that their name means “give me your attention and good things happen”. Start doing this when there are no distractions and build it up until you can do it everywhere, no matter what is going on. Positive association like this is an important step in dog training – and as you move on to teach tricks or more advanced training, it’s a must! 

Top tips for teaching your dog advanced tricks

  • Be patient. It can take many repetitions over a few weeks before your dog gets the hang of these tricks and behaviours. Arm yourself with plenty of patience and treats before every session.

  • Keep the sessions short. Even when you’re the master of your pup’s attention, dogs will cease to be interested in what you have to say if the training goes on for ages. Limit the sessions to a few minutes each. It’s better to have multiple short successful training sessions a day than a long one lasting for ages.

  • Never lose your patience or scold your dog. They’re doing their best to learn – and any failings are yours. So, even if it takes longer to learn something than you expected, be calm and keep the training fun and exciting. This way your dog will be more likely to enjoy it and will be more engaged with you as you work together to perfect the trick.

5 Cool dog tricks to teach your canine friend

Let’s look at some of the fun tricks to teach dogs. We’ve noted all the steps you need to get going. It’s important to remember that these are advanced tricks to teach your dog, so don’t worry if they take a little extra practice.

If you haven’t taught your puppy any tricks, start off with the giving a paw – the trick most people and dogs find easiest.

Once you have this one under your belt, you can start to move onto some more expert level tricks.

How to teach dog tricks to more than one dog

If you’re spending your days with more than one dog, you should introduce one-to-one time with each dog while you’re training and especially when you are introducing a new activity.

Not only will it enhance the bond you have with each dog, but you’ll also be able to tailor and adapt the session to suit the way they learn.

Once tricks are learned and perfected, you might find you can practise them with their canine family member present – but even then, it’s important that each dog gets individual time with you.

If any of your dogs is possessive over treats or toys however, keep training as a one-on-one activity.


What to do when dog training doesn't go as planned?

Sometimes teaching your dog tricks and games doesn’t go smoothly and it can be frustrating, but keep in mind that you have the written instructions, your dog doesn’t! The key always is patience and time.

Take a break

If things aren’t going well, if your dog doesn’t seem to understand what you want – or if they aren’t engaged, then leave your training for another day and do something fun instead.

Just like us, dogs have off days and there is no point keeping on trying to teach something if your pupil isn’t in the right frame of mind to learn.

Have you been working for too long?

Training sessions should be short and sweet. Don’t just keep on trying to get perfection – wait for another day.

Make sure you are being clear

When training sessions aren’t going well, or your dog is struggling to understand, it is nearly always our fault and not theirs. 

Take a step back, have a break and think about what you were doing during the session. There’s a chance you’re not making the message clear to your dog so think about breaking down the steps further or work on your timing. Don't forget, this is supposed to be fun for you both!

Remember, there's no pressure

We’re sure that if we asked you how much your dog loves playing, your eyes would light up as you told us all about how much fun your dog has with her/his favourite game. Now, be honest, how many different tricks and games have you taught your dog?

Not many, right?!

That’s ok, you have all the time in the world to introduce some new tricks and games, keep the sessions short and remember; there’s no pressure for you or your dog.

Ultimately these advanced dog training techniques are a fun and exciting bonding experience that will set you up for a happy and healthy life together. 


If you’ve loved this article on advanced dog training, check out fun sports you can play with your dog, next!