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White dog with weepy eyes

Weepy Eyes in Dogs

4 min read

If you’ve spotted that your dog has weepy eyes, it’s likely you’re wondering what the possible causes are. Find out all you need to know about runny eyes in dogs and when to seek veterinary help in this guide.

Our dogs’ eyes are incredibly precious – they help our canine friends explore and discover the world. So, when we notice something slightly out of the ordinary such as our dog’s eyes watering, it’s only natural that we feel a sense of panic.


What causes weepy eyes in dogs?

Weepy or runny eyes in dogs is actually a fairly common problem and the causes of it can range from something as normal as wind or dirt getting in their eye to more serious health issues such as glaucoma in dogs. Some of the most common causes are:


What other symptoms of dog weepy eyes should I look out for?

Alongside your dog’s weepy eyes, you may see the following symptoms:

  • Rubbing their eyes
  • Squinting
  • Holding their eyes closed
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Cloudy eyes

If your dog has weepy eyes after a walk but the problem quickly clears up, then it may well have just been caused by a sharp wind or little bit of debris. If the weepiness lasts longer or you notice any of the symptoms listed above, seek advice from your vet.


Weepy eyes in dogs: what discharge colour means 

One of the things you should look at if your dog has runny eyes is the colour of the discharge, as this will give you some clues as to the cause of the problem.

We’ve given a guide to some of the possible causes of eye discharge of different colours below, but bear in mind that these are just guidelines and sometimes the situation is more complicated. It’s always best to check with your vet to find out what’s going on.

Breeds with dog runny eye issues to be aware of

Unfortunately, some breeds are more prone to runny eyes in dogs, usually due to their genetics and how they look. The cause of the dog watery eyes is dependent on the breed.
Breeds with loose skin on their faces, like Beagles, Saint Bernard and Bloodhounds, are more likely to have watery eyes due to cherry eye – a condition where the glands in the eyelids fall from their position. They’re also prone to eyelids that roll outward which can cause some eye issues.

Brachycephalic dog breeds (i.e., breeds with flat faces, like Pugs, Pekingese and Boxers) have a high chance of getting weepy eyes because of their protruding eyes and shallower eye sockets; eye lids that don’t fully close; or a condition which causes eyelashes to grow inwards.

How is the cause of runny eyes in dogs diagnosed?

Your vet will carry out a full inspection to find the cause of your dog’s watery eyes. This will usually begin with a visual examination of the discharge and a review of the overall health of your dog’s eye. They may put some drops in to check the eye’s surface, or assess the tear production if they’ve got any concerns on this score.

It’s likely they’ll also ask about your dog’s overall health and behaviour to rule out other health issues too.


What are the treatment options for weepy dog eyes?

You may also be given other dog eye drops or ointment as necessary. If you need to give anything topically, your vet will be able to show you how to apply it.

It’s important that you follow through with the full course of medication to treat your dog’s weepy eye, as if you stop the course early, there’s a risk that the issue won’t clear up properly or will return.

It's important to keep an eye out for any changes in your dogs eye health. Read our article on why your dogs eyes might be red or cherry eye, to understand the symptoms to look out for.

Now you know about weepy eyes in dogs and the potential causes! Looking for more information on the symptoms you should look out for? Check out our guide on ear problems in dogs, next.