Over the past few years, crossbreeds have become more and more of a popular choice for dog owners. As you can imagine, many different breed combinations are possible, and because of this, mixed breed dogs can come in all different shapes and sizes.
If you are considering whether a mixed breed dog is the right fit for you and your family, it’s important to be aware that there is a lot of variation within each crossbreed. This is because each mixed breed puppy will inherent certain traits from each of their parents, and it’s impossible to tell which traits will be passed down to each puppy. In other words, one Labradoodle can look completely different to another!
When it comes to behavioural traits, a dog will have their own personality regardless of which breed or crossbreed they belong to. However, specific breeds have been bred to increase their chances of having certain functional traits, for example, Border Collies have been bred as herding dogs, and so may possess traits such as intelligence and high activity levels, and an increased likelihood of possessing one of these traits may be passed onto their offspring.
Below we’ve listed some of the best crossbreed dogs, along with some of the characteristics they could inherit from their purebred parents – but it’s important to be aware that there are no guarantees and mixed breed dogs can be extremely variable in looks and personality – which makes them each unique!
27 of the best crossbreed dogs
1. Beaglier
The Beaglier is a cross between the Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeds. Beagles are a medium-sized dog that were bred to be pack animals and so can get on well with other dogs. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small-sized breed and as descendants of hunting dogs, this mixed dog breed may enjoy being outdoors, and can thrive on companionship as they were bred to hunt in packs.
2. Bernadoodle
The Bernadoodle is a mix between the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Standard Poodle. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed dog that was originally bred for a number of tasks on the farms and pastures of Switzerland and because of this they are often strong and intelligent. The Standard Poodle is a large-sized breed that was bred to be a hard-working water retrieving gundog, meaning they are often intelligent and easily trainable.
3. Borador
Boradors are a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Border Collie. The Labrador Retriever is a large breed dog that is classed as a gundog and so can be very active and often gets on well with other dogs, as they would originally have worked as part of a pack. The Border Collie is a medium-sized breed that is a herder, which means they can be very intelligent and active.
4. Cavachon
The Cavachon is a mix between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise. As mentioned previously, the Cavalier is a small-sized dog breed that often enjoys being outside and can be very sociable with both humans and other dogs. The Bichon Frise is a toy-sized dog breed that is often lively and can possess sociable traits as they were favoured as companions or lap dogs.
5. Chiweenie
The Chiweenie is a mix between the Chihuahua and the Miniature Dachshund. Miniature Dachshunds are a toy breed dog that were used as rabbit hunters, and so may have traits such as stubbornness, barking and a love of digging! Chihuahuas are also a toy-sized breed originally for companionship, meaning that they can be very affectionate and bond closely with their owners, but they may also become nervous around strangers.
Miniature Dachshunds can be prone to spinal problems; however, the Chiweenie crossbreed is likely to have fewer spinal issues as it is crossed with a Chihuahua, which will mean there is less elongation of the spine.
6. Chorkie
The Chorkie is a cross between the Chihuahua and the Yorkshire Terrier. As mentioned previously, the Chihuahua is a toy-sized breed that can have traits that make the breed a good companion, but Chihuahuas may feel uncomfortable around strangers. The Yorkshire Terrier is also a toy-sized breed, and was used to hunt small vermin, meaning they can often have the traits of being lively and attentive.
7. Chug
This mixed breed dog is a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pug. As we’ve already mentioned, Chihuahuas are a toy breed that can have traits that make them good companions, but they may be nervous around strangers. Pugs are a small breed dog that was also bred for companionship and can have the traits of being very affectionate and loyal.
It’s also worth being aware that the Pug breed can often have respiratory issues, as the breed is brachycephalic. However, the Chug is likely to have fewer respiratory concerns as it is crossed with a Chihuahua, which often means that this crossbreed has less shortening of the muzzle and potentially larger nostrils.
8. Cockalier
The Cockalier is a mix between the Cocker Spaniel and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. As mentioned previously, the Cavalier is a small dog breed that descended from hunting dogs, meaning that they are often sociable and enjoy being outdoors. The Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized breed that was originally a working breed for flushing out woodcock, meaning that they may have traits such as trainability and alertness.
9. Cockapoo
The Cockapoo is a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle (toy or miniature). As described above, the Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog breed that was originally bred to flush woodcock, and so may have traits such as trainability and alertness. Whereas the Poodle was originally bred to be a water retrieving gundog, meaning they can also have traits of trainability as well as intelligence.
10. Doxiepoo
The Doxiepoo is a cross between the toy-sized Miniature Dachshund and the Toy Poodle. Dachshunds were bred to be rabbit hunters, so may have traits of stubbornness and a love of digging! On the other hand, Poodles were bred to be water retrieving gundogs, meaning they can be easily trainable and intelligent.
The Miniature Dachshund can be prone to spinal problems, however, the Doxiepoo crossbreed is likely to have fewer spinal issues as it is crossed with a Chihuahua which will mean there is generally less elongation of the spine.
11. Gerberian Husky
The Gerberian Husky is a cross between the large breed German Shepherd and the medium-sized Siberian Husky. The German Shepherd was a sheep herder, which means that they can have the traits of intelligence and trainability. Siberian Huskies were originally sled dogs and so can be obedient and alert.
12. Goberian
A Goberian crossbreed is a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Siberian Husky. The medium-sized Siberian Husky may have characteristics such as obedience and alertness. The large breed Golden Retriever was bred to be a gundog and so may have high trainability; however, caution should be taken when this breed is around cats and small furries, especially when these dogs are young and unfamiliar with these animals.
13. Goldador
The Goldador is a cross between the two large breeds, the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. As already mentioned, both these breeds were originally bred as gundogs, meaning that they may be trainable, active and sociable with other dogs, but owners of this breed should always be wary around cats and small furries.
14. Goldendoodle
The Goldendoodle is a mix between two large breeds, the Golden Retriever and the Standard Poodle. As previously mentioned, the Golden Retriever may be easy to train, but owners should be cautious when these dogs are around cats and small furries. The Standard Poodle may also have the trait of being easily trainable as they are also often intelligent animals.
15. Labradoodle
Labradoodles are a cross between the Labrador Retriever and the Standard Poodle, both of which are large breeds. The Labrador Retriever may have high-energy levels and can get on well with other dogs, whereas the Standard Poodle may inherit traits of trainability and intelligence.
16. Malshi
The Malshi is a mixture of the toy-sized Maltese and the small breed Shih Tzu. The Maltese was originally favoured as a companion meaning that they can be very friendly and will often develop strong bonds with their owners. The Shih Tzu was also bred to be a companion, so can often be very affectionate and playful.
17. Maltipoo
The Maltipoo is a cross between the Maltese and the Toy Poodle. As mentioned earlier, the Maltese breed is often friendly and can develop strong bonds with their owners, whereas the Toy Poodle may have traits of being intelligent and highly trainable.
18. Morkie
The Morkie is a cross between two toy breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier and the Maltese. The Maltese breed can be very sociable and are often strongly attached to their owners, whereas the Yorkshire Terrier may be lively and attentive.
19. Peekapoo
The Peekapoo is a cross between a Pekingese and a Toy Poodle. Like many toy breeds, the Pekingese were bred to be companions, which means they can be very affectionate and friendly. On the other hand, the Toy Poodle is more likely to be intelligent and highly trainable, as the Poodle breed was originally a water retrieving gundog.
20. Pompapoo
The Pompapoo is a cross between the Pomeranian and the Toy Poodle. The toy-sized Pomeranian is likely to have originally descended from the sledge-pulling dogs of the Antarctic, before they were bred further to be smaller companions. Because of this, Pomeranians can often be high-energy and loyal. On the other hand, the Toy Poodle is more likely to have traits that can include intelligence and trainability.
21. Pomsky
The Pomsky is a cross between the Pomeranian and the Siberian Husky. The toy-sized Pomeranian breed can be loyal and high-energy, whereas the Siberian Husky is more likely to be obedient and alert.
22. Puggle
The Puggle is a cross between a Pug and Beagle. The small-breed Pug may have traits of being affectionate and loyal, whereas the medium-sized Beagle is more likely to get on well with other dogs.
It’s also worth being aware that the Pug breed can often have respiratory issues, as the breed is brachycephalic. However, the Puggle is likely to have fewer respiratory concerns as it is crossed with a Beagle, which often means this crossbreed has less shortening of the muzzle and potentially larger nostrils.
23. Schnoodle
The Schnoodle is a mixture of the Poodle and Schnauzer breeds. As mentioned previously, the Poodle is more likely to have traits such as intelligence and trainability. On the other hand, the Schnauzer was originally a ratter and was also used as a watchdog as well as a guard dog. Because of this, the breed is more likely to be alert and active, but they can also be territorial.
24. Sheepadoodle
The Sheepadoodle is a cross between an Old English Sheepdog and a Standard Poodle. Poodles are more likely to be intelligent and highly trainable, whereas the Old English Sheepdog were bred as drovers to help move cattle, meaning that they may also be intelligent, but can also be watchful.
25. Shorkie
The Shorkie is a cross between the Shih Tzu and the Yorkshire Terrier. As mentioned previously, Yorkshire Terriers are often lively and attentive, whereas Shih Tzus are more likely to be affectionate and playful.
It’s also worth being aware that the Shih Tzu breed can often have respiratory issues, as the breed can be brachycephalic. However, the Shorkie is likely to have fewer respiratory concerns as it is crossed with a Yorkshire Terrier, which often means this crossbreed has less shortening of the muzzle and potentially larger nostrils.
26. Yorkipoo
The Yorkipoo is a mixture between the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle. As mentioned above, the Yorkshire Terrier may have traits of being lively and affectionate, whereas the Poodle breed can often be highly trainable and intelligent.
27. Zuchon
The Zuchon is a mix of the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise. The Bichon Frise breed can be lively and have sociable traits as they were bred to be companions. The Shih Tzu was also bred for the same purpose and so can be affectionate and playful.
Again, it’s worth being aware that the Shih Tzu breed can often have respiratory issues, as the breed can be brachycephalic. However, the Zuchon is likely to have fewer respiratory concerns as it is crossed with a Bichon Frise, which often means this crossbreed has less shortening of the muzzle and potentially larger nostrils.
That concludes our list of some of the best mixed breed dogs, but there are many, many more!
As discussed earlier, no trait is guaranteed for any breed, and traits are likely to be even more variable in crossbreeds, so the look and personality of all these mixed breed dogs can differ greatly.
Next, find out how to choose the right dog breeder with our step-by-step guide for future pet owners.